2024Miraculous photos &UFO
Make photographic paper of color photos with plain paper. 空き時間がポイント THEBEATLES ビートルズ バンド Tシャツ サイズ表記:2XL 【直筆サイン】ジョンレノン (ザビートルズ グッズ/John Lennon) [額装鑑定済み] GRETSCH ( グレッチ ) G6128T-GH George Harrison Signature 【ジョージ・ハリスン Model 】 Signature ビートルズ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Wallet Address #bitcoin:3QnYzY9rS6dw1RPVdzYAShGQNbPGJtVJpm #pigment #photo #print #handmade #art #dot #vintage $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Thank you for {Like}. This photo is like a “coloring page”, printed from a single negative film on a multicolor photo. Apply 4 or more pigment sensitizers on paper and repeat baking and development to complete. PR mexco acapulco hotel room out stleet photo Roughly spray. After drying, overlay the magnifying negative and use the UV exposure machine, Burn. Then wipe with tap water, sponge, etc. An image appears. It is dry and one step is completed. Repeat this process, replacing the pigment with C ・ M ・ Y ・ B. For this print, I used C, M, Y photosensitizers. 富士フイルム チェキ instax mini 90 ネオクラシック 《新品》 Nikon (ニコン) Z7 24-70 + FTZマウントアダプターキット [ ミラーレス一眼カメラ | デジタル一眼カメラ | デジタルカメラ ]【KK9N0D18P】【¥40,000-キャッシュバック対象商品】 ソニー E 35mm F1.8 OSS [SEL35F18] ハチ ミートドリア 160g×12個 Searching for classical photographic techniques . JazzGumPigment1985 the cost of photography is the minimum cost for digital cameras plus storage media, personal computers, and printers. What about classic technique photography? Camera production and film production are omitted. Film development, negative film production, photographic paper production, etc. are the main costs. If this is operated continuously, the cost is about $ 10,000 per year. For printing several points a month, it costs $ 1000. At present, if film development and negative film production are replaced by digital processing, the cost is considerably reduced. As for the rest, when making photographic paper, exposure, development, finishing, etc., the equipment is considerably small. This will cost about $ 5000 per year. Therefore, depending on demand, the price of the work falls within the range of $ 1000 to $ 20000. ####################### \10%OFFクーポン対象/【4個セット】長期保存パックごはん 180g×12パック送料無料 パック米 パックご飯 パックごはん レトルトごはん ご飯 保存食 非常食 長期保存 災害 備蓄 備蓄用 アイリスフーズ iriscoupon チューリップポーク 340g×6缶セット 新栄商店 チューリップポーク 沖縄 ポーク玉子おにぎり 防災備蓄用 レターパック510発送 【エントリーでポイント5倍!】栄養そのまま凝縮保存食「乾燥野菜」(1袋:10g×10袋) (同梱区分:TS1065)#JazzChrome #The Lost City What about classic technique photography? Camera production and film production are omitted. Film development, negative film production, photographic paper production, etc. are the main costs. If this is operated continuously, the cost is about $ 10,000 per year. For printing several points a month, it costs $ 1000. At present, if film development and negative film production are replaced by digital processing, the cost is considerably reduced. As for the rest, when making photographic paper, exposure, development, finishing, etc., the equipment is considerably small. This will cost about $ 5000 per year. Therefore, depending on demand, the price of the work falls within the range of $ 1000 to $ 20000. ##################### NEC(エヌイーシー) NM550/MAW PC-NM550MAW パールホワイト LAVIE Note Mobile 耐震マット 震度7まで 6枚入り 地震 防災 テレビ&パソコン対応 耐荷重36kg 耐震接着ゴム 耐震ジェル 家具転倒防止 粘着 ジェルマット [200-QL004]【防災グッズ 防災用品 地震対策】 膝上クッションテーブル ノートパソコン タブレット ラップトップテーブル 木目調 ビーズクッション [200-HUS009] # Beethoven AmazonのBlack Friday(ブラックフライデー)は11/22[金] 9:00 - 11/24[日] 23:59、計63時間開催。色が黒い商品や商品名に黒やクロ、ブラック(Black)が入っている商品を特別価格で、人気のKindleコンテンツやPrime Videoのレ ######## ######## bitcoin:3QnYzY9rS6dw1RPVdzYAShGQNbPGJtVJpm 空き時間がポイントになるww 無料アクセスアップ オレンジトラフィック ######## Vintage photos are mostly monochrome, with very few color prints. In the case of color, it will be faded after 30 years. Therefore, I made organic pigments as color formers. Moreover, the dot type will be the world's first. ######## |
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